The Cadence of Real Estate Explained

Choose your listing agent with care. The Cronin Team has dealt with all kinds of sales. They will help you price your property appropriately, help you adjust your selling price if necessary, give you tips on presentation, assist you in the negotiations, follow through and let you know what’s happening, and even help you find a new property to buy if you’d like.

The Cadence 

The act of buying or selling real estate operates on a unique cadence. There is no drummer. Each buy/sell act moves to its own beat.
When a seller has made up their mind to offer their property on the market, they want it to happen “right now”... in the Perfect World scenario.
In reality, there’s a timeline for what a seller should expect in a normal sales offering. (Keep in mind not all sales offerings fall within the “normal” range. Some are Probate, Foreclosures, Short Sales, Pre-market cash sales, etc.)

The Nuts and Bolts

When the normal listing agreement is signed, your Real Estate Agent has approximately 150 action items they have to perform to get the property on the market and into the public view.
So about two weeks after the seller's agreement is signed, prospective buyers are notified, either by their buyer’s representative, their own searches, a friend, or even because they drove by and saw a sign. The current market will dictate the flow.
Then the real fun begins because the seller will be notified by their listing agent when someone wants to view the property in person. At that time you cross your fingers and hope for an offer.
Upon acceptance of an offer, escrow is opened, another 100 steps are executed, escrow closes and the seller receives a wire transfer or check and the deal is complete.
Our point is, that you can see how important it is to choose the right Real Estate Agent to list your property. The sooner they get it on the market, the sooner you receive your money.

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We strive to transform your aspirations into reality. We don't just work in real estate; we create lasting partnerships built on trust and results. Your success is our mission!